JANUARY 2025 - Filming for Rab Equipment in the Cairngorms

A fun few days following a group of shop keepers learning more about Rab Equipment and Gore-tex at Glenmore Lodge as part of a training conference. The first day was all around the Lodge as they dived deeper into the new Gore-Tex (more environmentally friendly). Then learning also about how to look after it to keep its waterproof ability. Much more washing to keep it alive.

Day two everyone took to the mountains with Glenmore Lodge guides leading the way. I headed over to after thought aerate in the Loch Avon basin for my filming. Pretty rushed day trying to fit the filming into the day while the people I filmed tried to get their days done too. Such an awesome weather day filming.

Loch Basin in the Cairngorms. Shelterstone crag on the right with Carn Etchachan behind and Stag rocks on the left. Loch Avon in the middle.

An Ice Bow, formed when there are ice particles in the air. Which there was this day as my drone did not like the fine ice mist!!

NOVEMBER 2024 - Filming a Beluga Lagoon practice with 'The Voices of Argyll"

Always fun filming with Beluga Lagoon and great to see a practice on the go, especially with ‘The Voices of Argyll’ joining in here. We all headed to Dunoon for the practice and the place of the upcoming gig on the 7th of December where they will perform together at the Queens Hall. The choir and Beluga Lagoon will then perform at the O2 Academy to 3500 people on the 19th of December. The biggest concert so far for Beluga Lagoon and a great way to finish off the year for this band.

Here we were capturing some BTS for the documentary Andrew will make of this first year of Beluga Lagoon playing larger venues. So we caught a bit of chat with the choir and and followed Gregor doing a bit of directing of the team to polish where and how the choir come in to create the best sound possible. It does sound amazing and complements the band brilliantly.

I have a few screen grabs of the practice below. Enjoy Dunoon if you have a ticket for tomorrow night. I’ll be along to O2 Academy later in the month to film the big gig, can’t wait. After the practice we went for a few beers and the choir carried on a different practice, busy Ladies! Dunoon pub was £3 a pint of Guiness, amazing!!!

Having fun with ‘Ronnie and the Reindeer’ song:)

Very atmospheric singing ‘Still”

Not sure if Gregor is giving me the fingers or if it’s some music directing thing?

SEPTEMBER 2024 - Filming pub promo's for Opposite Land in Aberdeen and Edinburgh

A fun couple of nights filming some pub promos for www.oppositelandproductions.com in Aberdeen and Edinburgh. Sam who runs Opposite Land is one of the top companies covering pubs, restaurants and building in the UK.

The day and evening involved getting shots of the empty pub then trying to capture the atmosphere in the evening. Pretty easy as the pubs were both busy. Amazingly the folk in the bar all seemed happy to be filmed each time I asked. I finished up each day around 9-9:30pm just so no one is drunk on camera hahaha. Few screen grabs below.

MARCH 2024 - Interview with a Forensic Scientist for a crime documentary

An interesting day doing an interview with the countries leading expert on fibres. As in fibres from carpets clothes etc and matching them to other fibres. He was involved in a series killers case and created a large part of the evidence towards the killer. Pretty interesting although gruesome world to hear about. Tom the director was brilliant too and very well informed. Good having him there to ask the questions and as he is a camera operator too he could check the set up was the same as other interviews he had done surrounding this court case.

It was a three camera interview with very specific lighting and a window had to be in the back ground. But must also keep all the floweriness of these carpets and curtains out of shot as kind of didn’t fit our theme but was our only location lol.

Three camera interview

A Camera

B Camera

C Camera

JANUARY 2024 - Filming at Walkers Shortbread for ITV This Morning

A fun day out seeing round the factory where they make the famous shortbread. Donal MacIntyre was the presenter who is a great laugh and Will Thomas was directing.

The factory is in Aberlour so a job pretty close to home. The smell all day was amazing. Made you so hungry.


Donal, Will and myself outside Walkers shop on Aberlour high st.

A freebie from our day out:)

November 2022 - Camera operator and aerial filming in Thurso for BBC 'Paramedics on Scene'

A super windy day up here in Thurso but managed a bunch of drone shots early morning. Then had a laugh meeting the Ambulance teams and setting up for an interview. The interview was about previous incidents that had been filmed and the interviewer was on my laptop hot spotted from my phone:)

Involved setting up in a small living room type area and moving chairs and getting 3 lights up then three cameras and sound:) A fun day out.

JUNE 2021 - Filmmaking for the artist Douglas Roulston

Pretty proud of this wee film I made for Douglas Roulston the Artist from Dundee. Shot mainly on a 50mm Anamorphic lens and a drone. The gallery shots 18 months after the outdoor shots were done with a 24mm Anamorphic and after the COVID lockdowns. Was gven a lot of lee way here to pop together something I wanted to make. Douglas was very easy going and NormanSutherland who funded this project. Great fun to work on and see the process to:)

JUNE - 2021 Drone filming and ground Camera with Mark and Hank Land End to John O'Groats

A fun little stint of filming as part of a larger team. I was to film (with Camera and drone) Hank (James Lowsley-Williams) and Mark Beaumont as they raced from Lands End to John O’Groats while trying to break the record. Always very interesting seeing these elite athletes doing these challenges. I filmed the Edinburgh to Inverness leg while a group of other individuals and teams filmed the other legs.

Link below to the film:)

JUNE 2021 - Cameraman in Cairngorms National Park for BBC Education

Been doing a few of these shoots over the summer for BBC education. It is an animated series but I shoot all the plates for it so they can animate over it. Fun shoot and I get a nice walk in the mountains while I do it:)

Loch Avon looking great:)

Taking a still for a walking through shot

APRIL 2021 - Cameraman and Drone Pilot Tongue Spaceport with BBC Countryfile

My second job filming with Countryfile. A few jobs recently I have ended up doing camera, sound and drone on jobs like this due to the cover restrictions on numbers. Makes for a busy but fun day. Here I was working with Tom Heap who thankfully for me took on the organising and going through the script for me while I just ran around with cameras as we met all the different contributors.

The show was about the possible new spaceport that may get built here and also the other ones around Britain. Was pretty interesting as I actually didn’t know anything about these lol. Tom was great to work with also.
