NOVEMBER 2024 - Filming a Beluga Lagoon practice with 'The Voices of Argyll"
Always fun filming with Beluga Lagoon and great to see a practice on the go, especially with ‘The Voices of Argyll’ joining in here. We all headed to Dunoon for the practice and the place of the upcoming gig on the 7th of December where they will perform together at the Queens Hall. The choir and Beluga Lagoon will then perform at the O2 Academy to 3500 people on the 19th of December. The biggest concert so far for Beluga Lagoon and a great way to finish off the year for this band.
Here we were capturing some BTS for the documentary Andrew will make of this first year of Beluga Lagoon playing larger venues. So we caught a bit of chat with the choir and and followed Gregor doing a bit of directing of the team to polish where and how the choir come in to create the best sound possible. It does sound amazing and complements the band brilliantly.
I have a few screen grabs of the practice below. Enjoy Dunoon if you have a ticket for tomorrow night. I’ll be along to O2 Academy later in the month to film the big gig, can’t wait. After the practice we went for a few beers and the choir carried on a different practice, busy Ladies! Dunoon pub was £3 a pint of Guiness, amazing!!!
Having fun with ‘Ronnie and the Reindeer’ song:)
Very atmospheric singing ‘Still”
Not sure if Gregor is giving me the fingers or if it’s some music directing thing?