AUGUST 2022 - Drone pilot Aviemore with a night shoot and light display

This was the first of several shoots to come of filming lights at night as several hundred volunteers create a light show. Part of Green spaces dark skies series. Rupert Shanks was directing with James shooter doing daytime drone and both doing night shots on the ground. I did some camera and long lens during the day and then Drone at night with the Inspire 2 drone with X7 camera shooting in prores.

Pretty exciting shoot as only have 40mins at night to get the shots. But longer during the day. Camping shots by Rupert and beautifully put together by Rupert and Lindsay the editor.

Practice as the light starts to get right for it:)

JULY 2022 - Drone pilot Aberdeen direction as I aerial film storm destruction at Haddo House

Pretty interesting and a real shame for the estate and many others in Aberdeen area with the destruction of forests and trees all over Aberdeenshire. This was for a TV show about the storm. Some shots from the air below to see the destruction. Pretty windy day for flying but got some great shots all the same:)

JUNE 2022 - Drone pilot Scottish Borders for BBC show on a horse stunt team

Today I was back with Ramsay and Robyn from Caledonia TV for a program about a horse stunt team in the borders of Scotland. Today was a little different where we were filming an annual ride out of 300 or more horse, which was pretty amazing to see. Very busy few hours so not much chance for pics as had to film then run to the next spot lol. Will go out late summer on Prime time BBC.

APRIL 2022 - Drone pilot on Mingulay over on the Western Isles for BBC ALBA

Now this was an amazing trip with the Dana crew. Filming the 8th episode together and the 2nd episode of season two. Here we head to Mingulay the un-inhabited island on the far south of the Western Isles. We are going for 4 days camping and climbing on the massive sea cliffs. there is something very special about this island, not sure what it is just feels great being there with the wildlife and sea and cliffs:)

We amazing get great weather although quite windy. We almost get stuck there which we were all looking forward to but Angus in his boat managed to get in to the little rocky gully where we load up. Some pics below just to show how amazing the place looks.

The footage was stunning here with climbers high on the cliffs and an ever moving background of waves crashing against the cliffs. Akira Kurosawa would have loved the movement in the shots lol. These episodes are out in October:)

MARCH 2022 - Drone pilot Ben Nevis as 3 climbers make a new first ascent

Here we spend two days on Ben Nevis in great weather filming one of the last great ice climbs getting done for the first time. Great conditions but still looked terrifying as the icicle does not touch the ground and is free hanging so the team have to decide whether they reckon it is safe to be swinging ice axes at:)

Alastair Lee is hanging on a rope to catch the close ups while I fly from below with the drone and a long lease too:) Greg Boswell, Guy Robertson and Hamish Frost are the climbers. Robin is doing the safety for Alastair.

FEBRUARY 2022 - Drone operator on An Teallach for a winter climbing film

Today I headed out with a very heavy rucksack to climb a munro then film two Winter climbers with Alastair Lee. Was a pretty challenging day wind wise with a few gust hitting 40mph and freezing temperatures. Had to warm every battery up with hand warmers before flights. Got some lovely dramatic shots. I did learn that when the cloud and snow come it the drone gets confused and thinks the ground is just below it when it is actually 200ft below it but it try to land. Very disconcerting when you trying to fly. I waited fro the cloud to pass through for all the other flights.

Was great to meet Alastair Lee, Guy Robertson and Hamish Frost all great guys:)

FEBRUARY 2022 - Drone operator Stonehaven at Dunnottar Castle for the Murder Mystery

So today I was told to meet the crew at 10am at Dunnottar Castle to film more for the ancient murder mystery TV Show. but I saw the weather the night before so I stayed at my parents nearby for the night and arrived at 6.45am to have time to set up for sunrise as looked liked it would only be clear for a bit then clouds come in then 45mph winds by midday!

I knew the location of the ancient murder so I went about capturing lots of shots before anyone arrived. I certainly was not disappointed. I reckon my shot revealing the castle with a thick red blood sky just as a large murder of crows fly out from the Tower Keep will definitely be in the opening credits. Not often when everything alines for a money shot but so good when it does:)

FEBRUARY 2022 - Drone pilot Nigg Bay and Fortress for a Murder Mystery TV show

Today I was doing some aerial filming for a Murder Mystery TV show that follows a retired Detective from the States as he along with some specialist experts tries to solve some ancient murders. Super fun and interesting to be involved with. The detective was brilliant to chat too and a fabulous crew. Definitely had some very challenging flying today as the Inspire 2 drone does not like dampness in the air and sleet and snow wasn’t the best but did make some amazing looking shots:)

This cave at Fortress had ancient burial where a guy had his head bashed in eeeeew. Hundreds of years ago though!

AUGUST 2021 - DECEMBER 2021 lots of work

So these months just got so busy I just couldn’t fill in my blog or take on anymore work. Which was great. This year became my busiest year yet even though it started slow after covid lockdowns. I think winning a BAFTA for Aerial Cinematography under factual Photography was the reason for this.

As I’ve been busy this year too I’ve decided just to skip the rest of 2021 and try and catch up with 2022 lol.

Heres a few pics from some jobs:)

Glasgow University standing tall:)

AUGUST 2021 - Drone operator Glencoe for 'Europe from Above' a Nat geo program

Well today back in Glencoe for the National geographic program being edited by Windfall Films. Today we were filming history with the archeologists at a dig site and returning to The thatched roof with Brian for some extra shots as it moves on. And a few shots from around the area to show some history for intros.

The dig was super interesting and fun trying to make a dig look interesting with each shot all from the drone. then a talking head interview to work as a voice over. Oh and a few go pro shots to get a close up as they revealed a old artefact from the dig. The sun was out too:)

Quick selfie while flying;)

Kilchurn Castle

The Buichaille Etive More:)

AUGUST 2021 - Aerial filming Glencoe for a National Geographic program

In Glencoe filming ‘Europe from Above’ well the Scottish section which I’ll be doing several pieces on throughout the summer with ‘Windfall Films’ who are making it for National Geographic. I met Brian Wilson here thatching the reconstruction of an old Glencoe house with Mark who was also thatching with him. Brian ha s written a few sea kayak books that I have read. We got badly rained off so I headed home and returned another day the following week and took my two sea kayak books to get signed haha. We ended up with much nicer footage and I will return to see it a further time and see it finished. Few pics below of the house and also shots from around the area I got for the intro to the area.

Thatching going on before the rain

Lovely light for my shots on the Buichaille Etive More:)

JULY 2021 - Cameraman Drone pilot on Loch Ness for 'Roaming in the Wild'

Another great week with Andrew and Mark, although not in quite the same weather as the previous week lol. This week was going to be a pedalo along Loch ness but it changed a bit and you’ll need to watch it on BBC player to see what happened or on BBC Scotland if you catch it going out. Great crack again on this trip:)

The pedalo and team

Fort Augustas, the beginning of our journey

JULY 2021 - Drone pilot and cameraman in Trossachs and North west Scotland for BBC Education

So another couple of days filming plates for the animation series. This time some geology of the Moon Thrust zone in the North West of Scotland. Around the area I did my honours project for geology on:)

Then it was off to the Trossachs in the South of Scotland for geography and forest filming:)

Loch Lomond

JULY 2021 - Drone and cameraman on the north coast and Orkney today fro BBC Education

A fun day out filming sea stacks. There was a lot of mist and sea fog today but still managed to get the plates for another animation. Also used a little stock of the Old man of Hoy from when I climbed it a few years ago:)

A mysterious Old man of Hoy just poking out as seen from the ferry

JULY 2021 - Isle of Lewis as a drone pilot on Dana

So our final episode of Dana of 6 episodes brings us to the Isle of Lewis for some hiking and climbing. I hadn’t realised the mountains were so big and rocky on Lewis. Had my first trip on an airplane for a few years and made it over to catch the rest of the team, Hamish, Kenny and Rowan on the Island. We filmed and camped and had a lovely time bar the horrendous midges at times!! out in the autumn and on player after.

Kenny packing at camp

JUNE 2021 - Filmmaking for the artist Douglas Roulston

Pretty proud of this wee film I made for Douglas Roulston the Artist from Dundee. Shot mainly on a 50mm Anamorphic lens and a drone. The gallery shots 18 months after the outdoor shots were done with a 24mm Anamorphic and after the COVID lockdowns. Was gven a lot of lee way here to pop together something I wanted to make. Douglas was very easy going and NormanSutherland who funded this project. Great fun to work on and see the process to:)

JUNE 2021 - Drone pilot Western Isles, Uist and Mingulay. For Scotland from the Air

A great fun few days in slightly challenging weather for Scotland from the Air. A great team and enjoyed flying the DJI Inspire 2 with X7 camera on this shoot with some shots taking off and landing on the boat to Mingulay too, which is always good for keeping you on your toes.

Mingulay is an amazing place with a great feel about it and the Puffin colony was spectacular too.

Drone on Mingulay

JUNE - 2021 Drone filming and ground Camera with Mark and Hank Land End to John O'Groats

A fun little stint of filming as part of a larger team. I was to film (with Camera and drone) Hank (James Lowsley-Williams) and Mark Beaumont as they raced from Lands End to John O’Groats while trying to break the record. Always very interesting seeing these elite athletes doing these challenges. I filmed the Edinburgh to Inverness leg while a group of other individuals and teams filmed the other legs.

Link below to the film:)

JUNE 2021 - Cameraman in Cairngorms National Park for BBC Education

Been doing a few of these shoots over the summer for BBC education. It is an animated series but I shoot all the plates for it so they can animate over it. Fun shoot and I get a nice walk in the mountains while I do it:)

Loch Avon looking great:)

Taking a still for a walking through shot

MAY 2021 - BAFTA winning drone pilot for aerial filming!

Well this was amazing a team of us drone pilots working for Windfall films making a film for BBC won a BAFTA for our aerial filming under Factual: Photography woooohooo. It was a great team to work with Johnny Shipley as director and David Dugan as the Exec producer, both from Windfall films. Then swapping ideas with the other drone team members and seeing everyones setups was great. Most were on the Inspire 2 like myself.

If you are interested I’ve written a little bit about my own experience below on the shoot and what went in to a few of my bigger shots.

I had the job of meeting the Shepard Andrew at the top of Scarfell for the start of the gather on the main days shoot (Day 3 on site). We went up different routes as he chased sheep on the way. He arrived 30 mins early just as I had arrived and I asked for 5 minutes to set up he said “you can have 1 minute” haha. I managed just! Took off into very cloudy conditions and wind, ‘took off’ sounds a little dramatic, I basically hovered over the ground. Knowing that at 4:30am no one else would be daft enough to be up there, I was sure not to meet anyone. We could see 50m at best and had to walk with the drone just flying 5-10m ahead of me just off the ground. I got some lovely shots in the mist and extremely atmospheric and totally different from the planned shots that we agreed on two days ago on the recci. Andrew did say “not the best for gathering sheep in” just as I was shouting at him to remember and cheesily touch the top cairn for my shot, I got the impression he was only half keen to do this. But he did it anyway haha.

The drone landed and he continued onto the next set of drone pilots. I’d warned them he was early so they were ready, as we all had radios. My drone was extremely wet now I hadn’t quite realised how wet the cloud was as didn’t feel like rain. Picture below

So now I leap frogged three drone positions to set up at another spot down out of the cloud at the foot of the valley. I was there with David (exec producer) as he was keeping me company as I was a solo pilot. I got the drone setup ready to take a few GV’s as I waited for the sheep again. The drone wouldn’t record due to water in the microSD port. Then came 20mins of panic trying to dry inside it and get my drone working again!! Finally it started recording and all functions were good. So I flew up the cliff above for some GV’s. One of these formed the opening shot of the program. Then it switches to another drone pilots shot of sheep hanging out on hill side. After this into some of my shots of Andrew in the mist as the gather begins:)

On this spot I gathered a bit of a shot plan to try and create a long shot as my summit plans hadn’t come together as I’d liked (but did give a great different feel to the shots). You can only plan as best you can as the tricky bit is it’s live in essence and there is no reshoot and you don’t know exactly where or how quickly the sheep will move lol. So lots to think about. The key being to move very slow (but never stop, Johnny’s direction also had said please keep it moving) and try to keep interesting shots and develop things in a nicely framed shot. This started with a reveal over a slight knoll amongst boulders and fly over the rise and to see the sheep. As should be an easy cut if no sheep in it to start. Then the shot develops after I realise the sheep are slightly nervous of my drone (much less nervous that they are of the sheep dogs though but you can slightly tell in the film too). I move round the side and swoop round the back and down the left side then use the boulders very low to ground, notice a little turbulence in wind as drone starts moving up and down a little by itself. The low ground and boulders manage to create a bit of a second reveal then I start rising to where the crush or narrows are.

This is where the sheep come to a halt and I notice shepards standing blocking the way, I slow my rise trying desperately to keep the sheep in shot as they do not move forward into the space I had left and planned in my shot. In my head I am saying “move move” to the sheep and the shepards blocking the way, “you are about to destroy my shot!” I might have been mumbling a few swear words too but my memory is faint on that front.

Then finally the shepards clear and the sheep start running forward “thank ….!”. I’m almost as high as I can go (Drones have a legal maximum height above the ground) and fortunately I’m spinning with the shot so I can keep the spin as I stop going up and begin to come done again. This means the stop is not so noticeable to the audience but will display a change which will link with the sheep now moving on. I then lower down and stop the spin and blend it into the beginning of a tilt up to start to show where the sheep are going which we haven’t seen yet. I pull away from the sheep to show them going away from this location. Once the shot shows the sky which won’t link as well with the next shot my continuous shot stops at 7 minutes and 30 seconds. Which is my longest shot I’ve ever had on a film and the longest shot in this film.

I remember being very chuffed the next day after first seeing the film on TV that this long shot was spoken about on twitter in relation to the program lol.

There were two days filming and the first was a smaller gather from opposite side of the valley and we used several shots from this too but we had a smaller team. Johnny had bought 360 Gopros to attach to sheep etc. I got one on a dog that morning but the dog wasn’t happy with it haha. It looked like a teenager asked to wear really uncool clothing to a friends party and just feeling awkward and not at all cool.

We switched it to put it on Andrew and a sheep. One shot which it caught was when Andrew was wearing it when he got to the top of the valley about 3-400m beyond me so I’m well out of shot. Andrew sits down and starts rolling a cigarette and is speaking to his dog and taking in the scenery and as he takes the cigarette up to his mouth because Johnny had 360 cameras then in the edit he could tilt up to its lighting and tilt back down to the view as the smoke is blown out. It’s a great shot and it’s actually been directed from the edit suite which is different:)

Hopefully its back on TV sometime and you can give it a watch.

The Team:)  Although many members of the team not in the shot but most of the hill going ones.

The Team:) Although many members of the team not in the shot but most of the hill going ones.

The very wet drone after the misty shots at the start of the film!

The very wet drone after the misty shots at the start of the film!