JANUARY 2024 - Live drone from Scotland

A fun day and adrenaline fulled as normal with a live drone. Today I was experimenting with the Mavic 3 Pro CINE for the live drone and a bit of use of the Inspire 2 with x7 Camera. Wildly the image for the £5k drone is better than the £21k drone lol.

We were filming Carol Smillie for the ITV Competitions that run over ITV This Morning, Lorraine etc. Hadn’t filmed Carol Smillie since covid and she said she hadn’t been filmed since then either lol.

Jordan Summers was on ground camera and Rich on sound and Athene directing. Great team for the day. We also got to stay in Cameron house always a bonus.

I’ve done live drone a dozen times now or so and it still remains exciting work as you know a lot of folk are watching if you did anything wrong. Also making sure the drone is in the right spot and flying perfectly as no second take chances:) So much fun.

Inspire 2 with LiveU ready for filming

Experimenting with the Mavic 3 pro CINE live. Image is way better.

JANUARY 2021 - Filming Carol Smillie for ITV

A fun day meeting and filming Carol Smillie and working with Adam from ITV. We were filming for their competitions and were very lucky to get a lovely day for it.


DECEMBER 2020 - Filming with the Great Beluga Lagoon lot for a new episode of Roaming in the wild.

Spent four days with these guys filming and camping in the snow. Different times filming but still great fun. Had to have separate vehicles and tents although tents is easy and gives better sleep. Most of my filming was remote from the guys as they bobbed or swished past on a raft on the Kelvin River:) They filmed themselves in the raft:) A few more episodes to do yet for their BBC series:)

A winter Camp:)

A winter Camp:)